Geoffrey and I were sitting on the ledge of our
cave. I had been given a strange thing made from a CAVE BEAR FEMUR!!!!
"You play shaman flute," said Ungi, handing the thing to me.
"Uhhh...." I said, "What do I do with it?"
"You no know?" Said Ungi. She seemed very kind and motherly about it. "You no know? But I thought you shaman! YOU NO SHAMAN!! LEAVE! AND TAKE CAVE BEAR WITH YOU!!"
So the neanderthals had cast me out. This is fantastic. However, I didn't wait a s

On my quest back home, I took a slightly different route. This route was a little more scenic, but it took longer and I had a greater probability of losing my life. Ah, well.
However, luckily Geoffrey and my most interesting experience by far our accidental stop at an encampment near a great floodplain by the Great River,.
"Hello there, lady," Said some fellow, emerging from a hide tent. He was obviously hitting on me.
"Hello lady," He said again. This time he caught my attention. A Burial Ceremony was taking place(pictured right) At their encamapment - this seemed like a pretty bad time for someone to be flirting with me. But still, he touched my heart. I smiled at him.
"So... how's it... AAAAAH! sHE HAS A BEAR! eVErY mAn FoR hiMsELf!!!"
All of the tribe turned and stared at me for a moment, then fled into their tents like bats out of hell.
This was the reaction I expected. I was about to move along, when...
"Hello there, my lady," said the same guy, approaching me with caution. "You must be a shaman! Well, my sincerest apologies for treating you with such disrespect. You had better lodge with me... in my hut..."
"I, uh..." Just as I tried to think of an excuse to leave, he took me by the hand and led me to his hut.
"My name is Sharmano. You should meet our shaman, girl. You'd just love him. And follow us north for the mammoth hunt. What a lovely shaman lady you are."
And thus,
I have gotten myself into another trap.
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