Tuesday, April 6, 2010


March somethingith 30,000 BC
Life with the neanderthals is okay... Being a shaman really has some downsides - especially when you're being one for another species! But other than that... Something feels empty, like it's missing...
I miss my mate.
There. I said it. I miss that pompous idiot who thinks he can make a decent awl out of antler. What a fool I must be!!! I even miss Hilga... I miss my mother, my father and my stupid siblings. I miss my clan. I miss my cave. I miss the lean-tos. I miss the caches full of meat. I miss the pictures of horses on the wall. I miss the pictures of ibex on the wall. I miss the pictures of aurochs on the wall. I miss the pictures of -- well, I think you get the point.
Geoffrey tried to eat some neanderthal baby today while his mother chewed on a hide. She didn't care, because I'm the shaman and he's my shaman bear, but I saved the whining little thing. I never really liked babies - cromagnon nor neanderthal.
Then, Ungi explained to me with the utmost graciousness what shaman/medicine woman had to do with their lives.
"Medicine woman heal. Use plants. Use splints. Use first aid kit. No. I kidding. But do use plant and splint. Shaman lead ceremonies. I medicine woman. You partial medicine woman, but mostly shaman. Shaman sing. Shaman yell. Shaman cover body in ochre. Shaman lead ceremonies. Shaman no have mate."
She basically lost me right there. I think neanderthals don't have amorous feelings for each other, but I NEED A MATE, MAN!
I've got to find a way outta here! I'M GOING MAAAD!

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